Stop Preventable Maternal Death!

About the Coalition

What We Do

CSMMUA is a multi-disciplinary coalition committed to the reduction of unsafe abortion in Uganda through legal and policy improvement, access to quality and comprehensive services for the prevention and management of unwanted or unplanned pregnancy and the reduction of maternal mobility and mortality due to unsafe abortion stigma and discrimination.

The Secretariat
The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development hosts CSMMUA.
Coalition Members
CSMMUA is comprised of organisations and individual members.

Our Strategic Objectives

  • To advance legal and policy framework to adequately protect women and girls from unsafe abortion
  • To support increased access to safe and comprehensive abortion and post abortion care services for girls and women aged 15 – 49 years
  • To foster change in attitudes, behavior and beliefs among key stakeholder towards female of reproductive age (15-49 years) and in particular their reproductive choices
  • To sustain a strategic and diversified Coalition that is fully engaged with the actions to reduce cases of unsafe abortion in Uganda.
Learn More…
We are a Coalition

We welcome new members – individuals and organisations.

Our Approach

Learn more about our multi-displinary approach

Legal and Policy

Community Engagement

Safe Abortion Health Services

Knowledge Generation and Dissemination

CSMMUA Institutional Capacity Development

Some key milestones



Frequently Asked Questions


Our goal is to raise awareness about the dangers of unsafe abortion and sensitize the public and policy makers about safe legal abortion.

What is unsafe abortion?

Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here.

Why is abortion in Uganda unsafe?

Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. 

What is safe legal abortion?

Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here. Text answer goes here.

Radio Drama Series
